Leading Strategy Implementation

Overcome implementation barriers to achieve 80% of goals 20% faster


A very common reason (or is it an excuse?) for why a strategy failed, is that the implementation was flawed. It’s more likely the strategy did not take fully into account, the leadership required to ensure those implementing it, do so in the way it was imagined.

What your team will gain

  1. How to consider strategy implementation when setting strategy
  2. How to identify implementation barriers
  3. How to more effectively communicate strategic intent.
  4. How to more effectively communicate strategic approach.

When leaders set a strategy, they often make assumptions about how it will be implemented by staff.

When staff are informed about the strategy, they too form assumptions about its intent and the approach to be taken.

From that point on leaders aim to influence staff to make optimal decisions that align with and advance the strategic intent. And staff are trying to influence leaders on the pros and cons of the strategic intent and the approach. More often than not, a communication barrier is created.

It’s like two magnets being forced together when the poles are the same. The job of the leadership team is to align the poles!

Workshop Overview

This two-hour or half-day course can be delivered online or in-person and is interactive with activities designed to grab and keep the attention of hyper busy leaders.

Express your interest here to attend a public course.

One: What creates implementation barriers

  • Organisational bias
  • Poor understanding of critical functions

Two: Identifying implementation barriers

  • Symptoms of an implementation barrier
  • How to confirm the existence of an implementation barrier

Three: Communicating strategic intent

  • How to paint pictures of strategic intent
  • How to ensure alignment of teams to strategic intent

Four: Communicating strategic approach

  • How to differentiate one approach from another
  • Creating buy-in to the chosen approach

Each participant receives a copy of my book Team Think – How Teams Make Great Decisions.