Bryan’s Blog

Blind Trust

For anyone who has attended the RMIA’s flagship Enterprise Risk Management course that I designed and I (or a colleague) run, have heard that the problem with the Three Lines Model of risk management, is the impact on trust between the business and risk advisers. Unfortunately, we can’t have our cake and eat it too.

Pointing Fingers

I was recently presenting a risk profile to a division executive team of a large government agency. One executive said “Wait, that’s not our risk!”. The described risk involved a major project being significantly delayed, posing a threat to the agency’s reputation due to the potential for high-profile incidents.  The reason the project was delayed

Stepping on Toes

A young woman I frequently mentor works in the creative industries making corporate commercials and videos. Last week she experienced something I have experienced scores of times. A problem that occurs when a team feels they have been bypassed. My mentee had been working directly with the operations team to develop videos for use on


“Stop!” announces Mark to his 4 year old twins. Being a risk geek, he is helping his twins understand risk and the value of risk assessment in decision making. On hearing their Dad call “Stop” they immediately stop what they are doing and announce “risk assessment”. “That’s right,” says Mark, as he facilitates a discussion


I hate being late. I thought I’d come up with something novel to impress you all with and thought I would google the term before I wrote about it, a form of reputation risk management you could say! The term is The Age of Disenlightment – I hope you are not smirking at me! You