Bryan’s Blog


I committed one of my big no-no’s recently in a risk workshop. I got impatient with someone and they soon went into the intensive care ward as a patient. Hence why I called this blog Impatients as the two are linked! Let’s unpack what happened. First, the proximate cause of my impatience. They were providing

Shifting Culture

I’m revising my risk culture course to keep up with the times and, more importantly, to increase its impact on participants and them on their organisations. In doing so I reached out to a friend and colleague, Meredith Wilson. She is a culture guru having worked with executive teams on culture transformations for ASX top

Revaluing Your Pressure Cooker

Back in 2017 I first wrote about culture and the pressure cooker analogy for driving team performance. That is, apply plenty of heat to the pot (which is your team) and keep the lid firmly shut to increase pressure resulting in the team pushing harder to reach their goals. As a safety mechanism, all pressure

Cultural Trysts

Do you arrange trysts with the People and Culture (P&C) team? A tryst being a secret meeting between lovers 🙂 Or are your meetings with the P&C team specifically intended to discuss enterprise risks that they are responsible for, such as the ongoing challenge of attracting and retaining talent? Maybe it’s even worse? Maybe your

There are only three questions

Pretty soon I am publishing a book of my blogs of the last three years (click here to secure an invitation to the book launch) and one of my team (my wife Jacquie) pointed out that out of all the blogs, only one  of them focuses on risk assessment. A bit bizarre when you think