Bryan’s Blog

Optify your advice

“Provided with the freedom to choose, decision makers are likely to act more rationally and be more fully behind the decision.” Is how I finished last week’s blog. Optifying your advice is delivering the freedom to choose in the optimum way. Your optimum way. And it follows the Rule of Three. People like things in threes.

Hating Restraints

People mostly don’t like to be restrained. We also don’t like some constraints but we like others. For example, we like choice when buying but we don’t like too many choices. Restraints on the other hand are an attack on our freedom.

Nudging Executives

Senior leaders love to be challenged, when you prove them right! Unfair? Yes. There are plenty of great leaders who truly want their staff to speak up. However, even some of these may suffer from measurement blindness. When it comes to numbers and decision making there are three positions people take. Believers These people believe

Beyond Nudging

Sometimes you need to go beyond nudging decision makers. However, the personal risk you take when challenging a decision depends on culture. Last week I was given cause to reflect on my time at HIH Insurance and the causes of its demise in 2001. While there were many, and people with different lenses could easily come

Nudging the CFO

Can you make a difference with measurement if the culture of your organisation is one that does not respect, let alone crave data? In my experience it is tough to go hard against the grain of an organisation’s culture. The better way is to nudge it. How might you nudge it? Culture change can start