Bryan’s Blog

Enable your success

You have probably heard the risk function being called an enabling function. Because it is. It helps the main producing areas of the business to be more successful. When I present to executive teams to give them a picture of enterprise risk management, the first thing I do is dispel any hint of the myth

It’s What We Do

A key goal for the design of any organisational framework should be to integrate it into business-as-usual. So that it is simply “how things are done around here”. Especially for a risk framework. Risk management, not risk taking, still suffers from an abundance of misperception of it being a compliance activity. Something that has to

Great Frameworks: Another Bigger is not Better

When I run training for the development of risk frameworks, I ask participants to hold up their hand if they have a framework that is more than a couple of pages. I ask them to keep their hand up if it’s more than 10 pages, 20, 50 and I keep going if needs be. The

Embedding Appetite into Your DNA

A couple of months back I wrote about how your staff come to work and bring their best selves (mostly). However, each ‘best self’ can have a different appetite for risk taking, and that means inconsistency in decision making. Sometimes, alarming decisions are made. Last month I had a birthday bash to celebrate 20 years of my

Pathways to Success

Since February I have been sending you messages from my book Risky Business: How Successful Organisations Embrace Uncertainty. In the penultimate chapter of the book, Chapter 11: The Pathways to Success, I describe the journey of a risk practitioner who sees much work to do in an organisation near void of risk-based decision making. The key