Bryan’s Blog

Information Superhighways

How does information we need for decision making flow through the human body to the brain? The brain gets information from ‘the extremities of our organisation’ (our body) via our five senses: hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste. And how is this information channelled through the body? Via the central nervous system. Where is the

Thodey Nailed It

I have shared this story before and I just have to share it again as I told it no fewer than six times this week in various presentations and training programs. It is the story of David Thodey, when still CEO of Telstra. He was be interviewed at a UNSW Business School seminar by Narelle

Control Geeks not Freaks

Process control has a very specific meaning in the chemical industry. It refers to the system used for controlling a chemical plant. All the various instruments on pumps, vessels, reactors, heat exchangers and the like feed into the control room where the operators monitor screens, react to alarms and manipulate the system to maximise output.

Intelligent Risk Taking

Next week I am hosting a roundtable discussion on the future of risk frameworks. I am uncertain as to what may be discovered, however, what I do know is that the topic is of interest. The seats filled fast, and I had a number of my readers send me a note about it, some who

Synthesise your framework

Last week I had leadership expert Ingrid Messner present on Wise Leadership to my Risk Leadership group. One of her leadership tips on influencing stakeholders was to apply systems thinking. To develop a mental model of all the pieces of the puzzle that are influencing a person and the decisions they need to make. The