Bryan’s Blog

A new take on sailing

Thankfully, when the world went online last year, I was in front of the curve having already run online workshops for some clients. However for obvious reasons the demand for running risk workshops online has increased and I have been upping my game every step of the way to help guarantee workshop participants get as

Selling Resilience

This week I’m sharing my paper ‘Selling Resilience’ with you that I wrote for those who understand the benefits of building resilience to enshrine organisational value and know that convincing the unenlightened is often hard to do. You see some people making decisions for short-term gain while riding their luck because it is the easier

Reactivity Leads to Captivity

Taking a reactive approach to risk management means we are captive to limited thinking. This blog was prompted by a question from a participant in the webinar I ran with Camms Group last month on Risk Reporting: How to Provide Summary in Detail. The question was: “Is risk management reactive or proactive? Risk assessment being

Immaturity Provides Opportunity

Organisations that have a low level of maturity when it comes to risk-based decision making have a lot of untapped potential. The explanation is in the tag line to my latest book Risky Business: How Successful Organisations Embrace Uncertainty. Developing a strong capability and culture of risk-based decision making lets organisations embrace uncertainty and achieve

Summary in Detail

I got the term “summary in detail” from a fantastic client of mine who I worked with for near on a decade. We were presenting a risk profile in a meeting and at one end of the table someone was complaining about the amount of detail. At the other end of the table someone was