Bryan’s Blog

Withholding Tax

Taxes are a necessary burden. However, many risk professionals carry an unnecessary burden that is withholding them. The burden of silence. For any staff member to call something out, or even to voice disagreement with senior leaders, they need to feel psychologically safe to do so. Including risk professionals. However, being in the position of having to

Rewarding Risk

Short on time? Go to the end to find out what “rewarding risk” is all about. I’m blogging on accountability at the top for risk. Last week I led off with the story of Val King and her experience of risk appetite being an avenue to increase accountability for risk at all levels of the

Embedding Accountability

I’ve been speaking to a range of people recently about how to drive accountability for risk management across organisations. More on this coming – watch this space. Interestingly however is sometimes creating accountability starts bottom-up and not top-down. One of the reasons I get asked to help with risk appetite statements is because middle management

Inconvenient Truths

Recently I had one of those tickly moments in a risk workshop I was facilitating. I heard the words: “We can’t put that up!” The risk was being assessed inconveniently high. As I have written and spoken about many times before, one of our jobs as risk professionals is to uncover the elephant in the

A Whitepaper for you on Facilitating Critical Conversations

If you’re an avid reader of my blog you would have noticed over the last six weeks that I’ve been writing about the importance and skill of facilitating valuable risk workshops. I’ve also had the pleasure recently of hosting a couple of free MasterClasses on this topic with great success and engagement from my followers.