Bryan’s Blog

The Film Director’s Risk Appetite

A couple of years back I started my year of blogging with a story from my summer holiday time about risk appetite. As the modern plague (I can’t call it the C word thanks to spam filters) took a new twist over my summer, I of course observed the various appetites for risk portrayed across

Hello 2022!

Welcome back! I trust you have had a relaxing Festive Season and are ready to take on this year. I had a fantastic break relaxing with family, enjoying nature and recharging my batteries so I’m looking forward to what 2022 brings. I thought a great way to kickstart my year would be to reach out

Riskmas Wishes

Seasons Greetings to all of you! Below I reflect on my highlights of 2021, my gratitude and experiences with my Clients and Colleagues and my wishes for you, my community, for a successful 2022.

Risking Scenarios

Recently I was discussing scenario planning with a small group of colleagues from the risk profession. I asked what scenario planning they or their organisation did. The answers were generally around dramatic changes that could happen in the next 12 months e.g. pandemic related, China related, regulation post royal commission related. We soon agreed that

Appetite Scenarios

Over the last few months, I have been doing some non-risk work with a government agency. When I say non-risk work, they have engaged me not as a risk expert but as an expert in decision making. In part, because of my first book DECIDE: How to Manage the Risk in your Decision Making, and