Bryan’s Blog


I very much enjoyed General Stanley McChrystal’s Team of Teams. I’ll definitely draw on his observations as I get fully stuck into writing my next book Team Think – How teams make great decisions. Here is a great summary article in Chief Executive about Gen. McChrystal’s Risk Immune System analogy he espouses in his latest

Stop Sleeping

A few blogs ago I mentioned Digby Scott’s definition of a change maker: “…self-driven, self-starters, who don’t need hand holding, but they do value fresh perspectives, ideas and inspiration to help them make the impact they want to make.” Below I align his four descriptors of people’s attitudes to change from his book Change Makers

Shakeholder Risk

If you have been reading my last couple of blogs you will know I have been talking about change management (in particular for risk managers). Of course, change management means identifying and managing stakeholders. This week I facilitated a workshop that presented the perfect example of the risk that stakeholders pose if they are difficult


How hard are you implementing? Have you thought through implementation strategy well? Do you have measures in place to know how you are tracking? Or are you simply doing? If any of your answers are not positive ones, here are some tips to shift you out of wimplementation. Whether you are implementing a risk management program

Making Change

In 2017 Jeff Schwisow wrote in his book Projectify: ”In today’s business world, truly effective governance is more about having a strategy for adapting to change and variability than being able to predict the future and executing a plan that makes that prediction come true.” No one is likely to argue with that point now! Now