Bryan’s Blog


Sensemaking. This is the answer to my question last week about why risk workshops should deliver the success your audience craves. Yes, they identify risks to help us understand the uncertainty surrounding the objectives we wish to achieve. However, in doing so, we are helping the business make sense of a crazy world. We should

Extracting Teeth

I’ve seen it in their eyes when there is a suggestion that we run a risk workshop. For starters, they (board, executive, team) are very busy people. They have much to achieve, they have a good plan, they have good robust discussions, including about risk. Why do they need a risk workshop? Maybe they have

The Big Thrill

The biggest thrill I get in my role guiding organisations to develop stronger and stronger approaches to risk based decision making is when I run a risk workshop. In particular, for an executive team or board. In those moments they place their trust in you. Trusting that what they say will never be repeated by

Excited Change Agents

Every change management challenge needs to be aware of, and harness, change agents. Those people that can most influence or implement the changes required. In the risk space they are often referred to as risk champions. I wrote an article on risk champions more than ten years ago addressing questions about what you should expect

Impact Value

I tried something different last week. I posted a “musing” on LinkedIn. It was an excerpt from my book Risky Business: How Successful Organisations Embrace Uncertainty that read “Risk management isn’t rocket science. It’s about managing uncertainty. And, done well, it delivers real value for organisations.” It sparked quite a lot of activity including some