Bryan’s Blog


I love coming up with the cute, pithy, epigrammatic or aphoristic titles for my blogs ☺ I also love a good thesaurus! Last week I espoused the co-creation of a decision map to improve your team’s decisions. That is, to co-create a MENTAL model of how the decision is made and look for ways to

Go Mental

If you are going to fully operationalise your Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) you need to go mental. Developing Mental Models is what I am talking about. Let me explain. Over the past month I have suggested you need to: support your teams by documenting the organisation’s appetite for risk; guide their decision making by reviewing

Ding the Bell

You have heard the term “Tone from the Top”. To operationalise your RAS you are going to need to “ding the bell” to make sure the leadership team are delivering the right tone. When I say leadership team, I’m talking the broader leadership team, not the Executive that worked with the Board to establish the

Map It

You have your top-notch RAS and you are ready to devolve decision making by operationalising it. My number one tip for operationalising your RAS comes from reading a book first published in 1946. It is called Administrative Behaviour, A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organisations by Herbert A. Simon. Simon is a Nobel Prize

Rolling Out – Craps

Craps is a gambling game using dice. It became well-known to me from the Hollywood movies of mid last century when players gathered around a Craps table and rolled and cheered or expressed their frustration at loss after loss. Before you start rolling out your Risk Appetite Statement (RAS), and devolving decision making to evolve