Bryan’s Blog

Reportable Offences

Board reporting is the logical follow on from my blog last week on reporting to Audit and Risk Committees (ARCs). The “reportable offences” I am talking about this week stem from the type of reporting that is often inflicted on boards from risk and related functions. Reporting that causes boredom, that provides an excuse to reach

The Pontificators

Audit and Risk Committees (ARCs) are the topic today in response to a request from a respondent to my recent survey on your preferences on what you would like me to blog about. I am moving on from the strategy for your enterprise risk program to reporting on risk and first cab off the rank

Positively Positioning

Again, thank you to everyone who responded to my recent survey on your preferred topics for me to blog about, and the type of training you may be seeking. I have had the time to peruse all the requests and I have broken them down into general topics of Strategy, People, Technical, Operationalising and Other.


Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who responded to my survey last week on the topics of most interest to you for me to blog about and the type of training you may be seeking. You can give your feedback here (which I would appreciate as the interest is broad and I am

Hello 2023

Welcome back to a New Year ☺ After weeks of quality family time, relaxation, trips away, delicious food and hours of sun (and maybe some golf) I am RECHARGED and ready to take on this year. I hope you are too! I thought the best way to kick off my year would be to ask