Bryan’s Blog

Influencers (haha)

You can’t influence everyone you need to. You need help. You need influencers. Early last year I wrote an article about developing your change agents. In it I explained that developing a community of change agents is a hugely effective way of multiplying your impact many times over. In the risk space they are often

Tell ‘Em the Opportunity

When you (or the business area you support) are articulating a risk profile to the board, make sure you tell them about the opportunities the risk profile provides. Why? Because according to Peter Drucker, leaders should focus on investing in opportunities, not problems.[1] This will hold the most for organisations focused on risk taking, encompassing

Story Board Ing

You should be telling your board a story rather than overload them with hundreds of pages of information for a board meeting. I know the problem, people want “summary in detail” as I wrote last year in a blog. That is, even when you provide them with a fair bit of context, someone always wants

Blind Trust

For anyone who has attended the RMIA’s flagship Enterprise Risk Management course that I designed and I (or a colleague) run, have heard that the problem with the Three Lines Model of risk management, is the impact on trust between the business and risk advisers. Unfortunately, we can’t have our cake and eat it too.

Pointing Fingers

I was recently presenting a risk profile to a division executive team of a large government agency. One executive said “Wait, that’s not our risk!”. The described risk involved a major project being significantly delayed, posing a threat to the agency’s reputation due to the potential for high-profile incidents.  The reason the project was delayed