Bryan’s Blog

Summary in Detail

I got the term “summary in detail” from a fantastic client of mine who I worked with for near on a decade. We were presenting a risk profile in a meeting and at one end of the table someone was complaining about the amount of detail. At the other end of the table someone was

Your Hands, a Coin and a Pair of Gloves

Back in 2015, McKinsey published a paper on the future of risk management in the banking sector. At the time I sent it to many of my clients in other sectors because of its very important messages, including this one in their summary: “Bank risk management will likely look dramatically different by 2025, when it

Your Secret Weapon

Ever wondered why some organisations thrive in uncertainty while others crumble? As a management consultant, I’ve seen how leadership approaches impact organisational resilience. Often leaders treat good governance as a mere tick-box exercise, disconnected from strategic decision-making – a dangerous approach in today’s volatile business landscape. The solution? Integrate strategy and risk so leaders consider

Bust Groupthink

Was that Groupthink you just saw in your team meeting? It happens to the best of us, and often it’s right under our noses and we don’t realise it. Groupthink has a way of creeping into even the most seasoned teams, making people hold back contrary views and go along with consensus to keep the

Decide Fast, Connect Deeper

High-performance teams have a secret: how they connect in making decisions. Top teams decide better and faster. With good people and information, decisions come quickly due to less uncertainty. They avoid analysis paralysis and confidently make calls. Why, because team members feel the connection between them. Teams need to trust each other to take risks