My Clients

Here’s what my clients say about my work:

AH Beard to the list of clients
AON Australia
Association of Independent Schools of South Australia
Associations Forum
Australia Post
Australian Antarctic Division
Australian Film Commission
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council
Australian Sports Commission
Australian Wool Innovation Limited
Axis Specialty Insurance
BMT Design and Technology
Brisbane Airport Corporation
CBM Australia
Cancer Council NSW
Cardax Australia
Cerebral Palsy Alliance (Prev. The Spastic Centre)
Charter Hall
Civic Assurance
Compass Housing
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Department of Defence
Department of Defence (Audit & Fraud Control Division)
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Department of Finance and Administration
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Industry
Department of Social Services

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population
EBOS Group
Edgewise Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd
Electrix Pty Ltd
Employers Mutual
Flinders Christian Community College
FM Global
Fire and Rescue NSW
First Title Insurance
Fulton Hogan
GP Synergy
G&S Engineering
Gallagher Bassett
Geoscience Australia
Good Beginnings
Hills Shire Council
Hotels Combined
Hydro Tasmania
IAG Limited
iCare Lifetime Care
Illawarra Retirement Trust
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
LAPP Fund (NZ Local Authority Protection Program)
Leadership Think Tank
Liberty International Underwriters
Lumley General Insurance
McConnell Dowell
Mid North Coast Local Health District
Murray Darling Basin Authority
My Gateway
National Archives
National Capital Authority
National Gallery of Australia
New Hope Coal

NSW Aboriginal Land Council
NSW Ambulance
NSW Department of Family and Community Services
NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet
NSW Department of State and Regional Development
NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
NSW Ombudsman
NSW Police
Pacific National Rail
Pro Pac
Robust Resources
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Sage Automation
Shield Underwriting
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
St George Community Housing
Steadfast Group
Symbion Pharmacy Service Pty Ltd
Transport Accident Commission
Upstream Print Solutions
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
Virgin Money
Westlink Services M7
Whiteley Corporation
Willis Insurance Brokers
WorkCover NSW
Xstrata Copper
YMCA of Sydney

My Projects

Business Services

Business Software Provider – Completed a RMP Healthcheck of this publicly listed company’s approach to risk management and presented recommendations for improvement. The HealthCheck was subsequently reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee.
Chartered Accountants Business Forum – Conducted workshops in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne on How to develop key performance indicators.
Symbion Pharmacy Service Pty Ltd – BCP test exercise for this pharmaceutical wholesaler operating nationally. Included planning for overnight supply of interstate pharmacy following a major event at any of the main distribution centres.
Upstream Print Solutions – Engaged by this fast growing private company to assist them to develop an Enterprise Risk Management Framework. The project included educating staff about ERM via interviews and workshops and the development of a strategic risk profile and communications strategy.

Construction, Engineering, Mining and Utilities

BMT Design and Technology – Authored and facilitated a 2-day course for young engineers and naval architects in Project and Design Risk Management Training.
Construction and Engineering – Project Consultant for preparation of a Risk Management Plan as part of a proposal to provide maintenance works to a state rail authority.
Defence Industry – Strategic review of the effective management of risk which included benchmarking with six organisations in order to advise on the most appropriate risk management strategy.
Downer – Presented a keynote speech on measuring capability to manage risk at the Downer Infrastructure southern region Zero Harm Conference.
Electrix Australia – Designed and implemented an enterprise risk management framework for this provider of utilities infrastructure maintenance services. The project included training and risk profiling workshops with staff in each region.
Electrix New Zealand – Designed and implemented an enterprise risk management framework for this provider of utilities infrastructure maintenance services. The project included training and risk profiling workshops with staff in each division.
• Electrix New Zealand – Designed a risk management framework for this provider of utilities infrastructure maintenance services and facilitated a risk management workshop for staff.
Forensic Science Laboratory – Project risk analysis of a proposed Forensic Science Laboratory in Asia. The assignment included assessing the financial liability risk to the principal contractor if key members of the consortium failed to deliver as well as the risks associated with delivering the project.
• Gallagher – Presented a keynote speech on security risk management at Gallagher’s Mining and Infrastructure Security Network conference.
Gas Transmission Pipelines – Investigated the risk of third-party damage to natural gas and LPG transmission pipelines.
G&S Engineering – Facilitator for a strategic risk workshop assessing the strategic risks of the organisation in servicing Queensland’s heavy industries.
Hydro Tasmania – Conducted a Creating Risk Champions tailored workshop for a range of managers across Hydro Tasmania in advance of their rollout of a new Risk Management system.
McConnell Dowell Corporation Ltd – Engaged by this major construction company to conduct an RMP Healthcheck to undertake a gap analysis of McConnell Dowells risk management program. The project included a review of the organisations program and its application at small, medium and large (>>$1bn) construction projects.
McConnell Dowell Corporation Ltd – Assisted in the development of a new governance framework to draw together the existing governance structure and various risk and assurance initiatives.
Major Construction Company – Governance review of this company’s global insurance program to compare its insurable and non-insurable risk profile. The project involved an international research project to identify the extent of insurance cover purchased by industry peers.
Offshore Oil Platform – Preparation of an Underwriter’s Evaluation Report for an oil and gas joint venture for fire and related perils for property damage and business interruption coverage.
Power Generation – Project Manager for a Business Risk Management Review for a power generation and distribution division.
Santos – Training of internal risk advisor team in risk workshop facilitation for the Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas Project of Santos.
Small-cap mining company – Facilitated a one-day strategic risk workshop for the Board and Executive of this small-cap mining company developing a mine in a very remote area of Indonesia.
SMEC Holdings – Assisted this engineering consulting firm to develop a Business Continuity Plan for its offices in every capital city and several other satellite offices. The project included a Business Impact Assessment, establishing a BCM framework, assisting critical process owners to develop recovery plans and testing of the plans.
Unitywater – Assisted senior management and the Board of Unitywater to develop a Risk Appetite Statement. The aim was to improve decision making and the overall governance of Unitywater by documenting the go/no go areas for the business in pursuit of its objectives. The project included articulating risk appetite, setting risk tolerances and mapping how it was operationalised within the business.
Urban Services – Risk Based Capital Allocation Strategy. Researched and advised on Best Practice in risk based allocation of capital funds for urban infrastructure services. The assignment included the development of a Best Practice strategy.

Cultural, Recreational, Lifestyle and Care

Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies – Business Continuity – Engaged to assist in the development of a business continuity framework, recovery plans and initial testing.
Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies – Enterprise Risk Management – Assisted the Institute to develop a risk management policy and framework. Facilitated program and executive risk workshops and prepared the Institute’s first risk management plan. Facilitated the development of the AIATSIS Programs annual business plan.
• IRT – Fast-tracked a Business Continuity project including desktop exercise scenarios to test recovery strategies for this aged care provider with more than 50 facilities.
Theme Park – Liability risk assessment of building structural and fire protection conditions and preparation of a Risk Management Plan for a major theme park.
YMCA of Sydney – Facilitated a strategic risk workshop for the senior management team and representative of the Board Audit and Risk Committee for YMCA, running scores of community services across eight service delivery programs from aquatics and gymnastics to mental health programs and outdoor education.


The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council – Assisted ANMAC in improving its recovery capabilities, including a review and testing of its BCP to ensure the organisation is meeting appropriate standards and following better practice.
Flinders Christian Community College – Through workshops with the Executive and the Board, established the college’s risk appetite statement and determined its key risk indicators in conjunction with the implementation of a balanced scorecard being prepared by the college.
Monash University – Course Adviser “Principles of Risk Transfer”. Authored and delivered this course as part of the Masters of Risk Management. The course covered basic principles of risk transfer, risk transfer in contracts and the key issues to consider when transferring risk to the insurance industry.
Navitas – Assisted in the review and upgrade of the Business Continuity Plan including desktop exercises for the Professional and English Programs Division of Navitas.


Murray-Darling Basin Authority – Peer review of the risk assessment of the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan which was based on a Bayesian risk model developed for complex ecosystems.
Environmental Services – Reviewed liability risks for the proposed development of a putrescible and non-putrescible waste landfill.
Government Department – Redrafting of a guideline document for contract managers responsible for managing compliance under funding agreements across 16 programs to a value in excess of $13billion.

Finance and Insurance

ACE Insurance Limited – Reviewed Enterprise Risk Management framework and worked with the risk department to develop an enhanced risk reporting framework.
• AON Australia – Ran the Persuasive Advisor Program for 22 staff members which involved a full day of training followed by two webinars and phone support for one month.
• Civic Assurance – Assisted Civic to support a review of Local Government insurance arrangements by Finity Consulting.
Civic Assurance – Strategic Research – Conducted a survey of senior executives of NZ local government authorities to assist Civic to identify market needs for the marketing of their Kiwisaver superannuation product for local government employees.
Civic Assurance – Catastrophe Risk Pricing – Prepared a catastrophe risk pricing model to assist Civic underwriters to more accurately price property insurance risk for NZ local government authorities.
Civic Assurance – Risk Financing Strategy –Review of alternative risk financing opportunities and compare them with various traditional program structures for this specialist in local government insurance.
Civic Assurance – Strategic Research – Conducted research into the local government insurance market globally to assist in Civic’s internal strategic review of its operations.
Claims Manager – Engaged by the Australian arm of a global third-party insurance claims administrator to conduct a strategic risk workshop for the Australian executive board and to assist in integration of risk management in their day-to-day business processes.
Employers Mutual – Reviewed Employers Mutual Risk Management program and provided recommendations on how to further enhance the program including risk owner engagement.
Finance – Engaged by a high profile, marketing orientated financial services product re-seller to review their planned approach to designing and implementing a risk management framework.
First Title Insurance – Engaged by this Australian insurance company to assist in further developing their approach to risk management. The project included workshop facilitation of division and strategic risk profiles, enhancement of key elements of their Risk Management Strategy including their Assurance Framework and involved engagement with the Board Audit Committee and with APRA, the insurance industry regulator. The project also included the preparation of a Business Impact Assessment in accordance with Prudential Guidelines and a review of their BCP.
HCF – Reviewed the organisation’s BCP, made recommendations for improvement and conducted desktop exercises to assess the robustness of revised plans. The desktop exercises included witnessing staff testing of an IT DRP exercise conducted at the same time.
Insurance Broker – Alternative Risk Transfer Strategic Plan – Engaged by a leading insurance broker to develop a strategic plan to take advantage of the emerging Alternative Risk Transfer market in Australia.
Insurance Market Entrant – Engaged by a prospective new entrant to the Builders Warranty insurance market in Australia to develop a business plan for entry and to engage potential insurers and reinsurers.
Major Insurer – Project Management and risk management for the development of an online product to interface with the insurer’s mainframe backend system and with the insurance industry front-end system which links insurers to nearly 1,000 insurance brokers.
Major Insurer – Review of construction risks associated with the development of the $600M New Southern Railway linking Sydney’s CBD with Sydney’s International Airport at Mascot. The project involved the analysis of risks associated with a driven tunnel underneath residential areas.
• Suncorp Group
– Worked with the senior management team of a claims division of the insurance group to review and upgrade their approach to meeting compliance obligations.
• Suncorp Group
– Delivered RMP’s two-day Becoming a Trusted Advisor training for approximately 60 staff across the Suncorp Risk Function. The objective was to assist Risk Function staff to further develop their internal consulting skills so that they may grow more quickly to be accepted as trusted advisors to the business units they serve.
• Suncorp Group
– Developed an online course for the Group’s CEOs on Enterprise Risk Management and how it drives strategic value. Worked with an instructional designer to create a webinar style presentation to enhance learning outcomes.
Underwriting Agency – Conducted a market research project into the feasibility of a new insurance product in the Australian market. The research included both primary and secondary research to identify market characteristics as well as potential claims costs.
• Victorian Managed Insurance Authority – Facilitator and Convenor of an Advisory Board of senior Victorian public servants to explore the Total Cost of Risk (TCoR) associated with risks and decisions affecting large groups of stakeholders. Both interdepartmental as well as business and community groups.

Information Technology

Business Software Provider – Completed a RMP Healthcheck of this publicly listed company’s approach to risk management and presented recommendations for improvement. The HealthCheck was subsequently reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee.
Government Department – Conducted a strategic risk analysis of the software development of a Community Based Information System shared by a number of states. The assignment included review of the allocation of liability under the IT contract.
Major Insurer – Project Management and risk management for the development of an online product to interface with the insurer’s mainframe backend system and with the insurance industry front-end system which links insurers to nearly 1,000 insurance brokers.

Manufacturing and Logistics

ADInstruments – Assisted this company that manufactures laboratory data acquisition and analysis systems to prepare a risk assessment of the pending changes to this international group’s corporate structure.
A.H. Beard– Conducted a Strategy Implementation Workshop for the AH Beard board following a comprehensive revision of the organisation’s strategic intents. This included running several analysis tools with the executive team to assist in identifying implementation roadblocks and to further assess the organisation’s current and mid- term capabilities to deliver.
EBOS Group– Assisted this healthcare and animal care wholesaler with more than 50 sites across Australia and New Zealand to develop a site assessment framework to help ensure the intended operational outcomes at all sites. The project included the training and development of a team of site assessors who were nominated from within the operating business units.
Pro Pac – Assisted in the implementation of a Business Continuity Framework for this publicly listed provider of commercial packaging encompassing Business Continuity Plans across more than a dozen offices, warehousing and manufacturing sites.  The project included assessment of options for maintenance of its international supply chain.
Whiteley Corporation – Guided this manufacturer of hygiene, cleaning and infection control products to develop and test a Business Continuity Plan.

Not for Profits

Australian Wool Innovation Limited – Enterprise Risk Management – Assisted this not-for-profit industry funded organisation to revise its risk management and fraud control plans. The project included workshop facilitation with senior executives and presentations to the Board Finance and Audit Committee.
Cancer Council NSW – Conducted risk engagement and risk profiling workshops for all divisions to improve the effectiveness of the risk framework that had been deployed and to assist in growing the risk culture in the organisation.
• CBM Australia – Assisted in further developing the risk management program for CBM with the aim to improve its overall Governance.  The project included Executive risk workshops and the development of a risk appetite statement with the Board.  Ongoing implementation was supported through a one-on-one coaching program.
Cerebral Palsy Alliance (previously The Spastic Centre) – Enterprise Risk Management – Assisted The Spastic Centre to develop an Enterprise Risk Management Framework including the formation of an Enterprise Risk Committee and a strategic risk workshop with the Board.
Cerebral Palsy Alliance (previously The Spastic Centre) – RMP Healthcheck – After several years of operation of The Spastic Centre’s Enterprise Risk Framework, Bryan was invited back to conduct an RMP HealthCheck to provide a maturity rating of the organisation’s management of risk and to provide recommendations for improvement.
Compass Housing – Assisted in implementing a enterprise risk framework including risk workshops with the executive and presentation of the strategic risk profile to this charity’s Board.
Good Beginnings – Assessed the capability of Good Beginnings to work towards achieving its objectives while managing risk. Through the project, capability to manage risk and performance management were linked with one capability framework.
Good Beginnings – Implemented RMP’s Performance Risk Framework utilising RMP’s Business Pulse Monitor® platform.
• GP Synergy – Assisted in further developing the risk management program for GP Synergy with the aim to improve its overall Governance.  The project included Executive and Board risk workshops.  Ongoing implementation was supported through a one-on-one coaching program.
John Symond Foundation – Assisted in the development of a risk profile for a planned initiative to provide affordable rental housing to families with handicapped children.
Ronald McDonald House Charities – Risk Management Workshop – Assisted this high profile charity with a strategic risk profiling workshop involving the CEO and senior management team.
Ronald McDonald House Charities –Following work with RMHC’s head office, engaged to conduct Board, Education and Risk Profiling Workshops with the Boards and Executives of each of the 13 RMHC Chapters.
YMCA of Sydney – Facilitated a strategic risk workshop for the senior management team and representative of the Board Audit and Risk Committee for this organisation running scores of community services across eight service delivery programs from aquatics and gymnastics to mental health programs and outdoor education.

Public and Products Liability

Conducted Public and Products Liability Reviews in various industries including:
Backpacker accommodation; boat builders; breweries; chemical manufacturers and suppliers; cinemas; commercial cleaners; crane operators; electric and mechanical contractors and suppliers; feedlots; food coops and wholesalers; foundries; manufacturing (light and heavy); marinas; minerals; power generators; public markets; racing; recycled paper; scaffolder; sheltered workshops; shopping malls; theme parks and tourism operators.

Public Sector

• ACCC – Business Continuity Plan – Assisted the Commission to develop a BCP framework, recovery plans and conducted initial testing.
ACCC – Governance Framework – Assisted the Commission to develop a revised governance framework including BCP, Facilities, Fraud, IT and Physical Security, Procurement and Risk Management. The project included development of all policy and framework documentation, design overviews of induction and awareness training programs and an implementation plan.
ACCC – RMP Healthcheck – Completed a RMP Healthcheck of the Commission’s approach to risk management and presented recommendations for improving the ACCC’s risk policy, framework and culture of managing risk. The recommendations were subsequently approved by the Audit Committee.
ACCC – Strategic Risk Profile – Assisted the Commission to develop a Strategic Risk Profile by facilitating Division risk workshops and working with Senior Management to analyse the results and formulate the ultimate Strategic Risk Profile for the organisation.
Austrade – Business Continuity Planning – Conducted desktop test exercises for Austrade offices in Australia and overseas including Bangkok, Dubai, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, Lima, Los Angeles, Manila and Singapore. Provided training to Austrade personnel in conducting BCP testing.
Austrade – Insurance and Risk Management Framework Review – A detailed review of Austrade’s complex insurance and risk management requirements for Australian operations and their international operations comprised of more than 100 overseas posts.
Austrade – Risk Management Training – Worked with Austrade’s Business Effectiveness Unit to develop a training course entitled “Risk Management for Managers” aimed at enhancing risk-based decision making amongst senior executives and middle managers across the organisation.
Australia Post – Ran the Persuasive Advisor Program for 12 staff members which involved a full day of training followed by two webinars and phone support for one month.
• Australian Antarctic Division – Tailored and delivered separate Creating Risk Champions programs for the Executive and for key managers across the Division.
Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies – Business Continuity– Engaged to assist in the development of a business continuity framework, recovery plans and initial testing.
Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies – Enterprise Risk Management – Assisted the Institute to develop a risk management policy and framework. Facilitated program and executive risk workshops and prepared the Institute’s first risk management plan. Facilitated the development of the AIATSIS Programs annual business plan.
Department of Defence – Ran the Persuasive Advisor Program for 12 staff members which involved a full day of training followed by two webinars and phone support for one month.
• Department of Defence (Audit) – Provided training in Risk Assessment for approximately 70 audit and fraud officers of the Audit & Fraud Control Division (AFCD) of Defence.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Developed a desktop exercise scenario for DFAT’s head office and facilitated the scenario for 50+ attendees from the various recovery teams and senior management.
Department of Health – Facilitated an IT project risk workshop for an upgrade of SAP for advanced performance reporting.
Department of Health and Ageing – NSW Aged Care Branch Alignment Project – Designed a realignment project that involved stakeholder analysis workshops and the development of a new tool for assessing decisions under the program that would help improve the accuracy and consistency of decisions in line with stakeholder expectations.
Department of Industry – Identified and assessed suitable software solutions with which the Department could conduct its business planning, risk tracking/management and performance reporting functions.
Emergency Services – Employee Wellbeing Program – Engaged to research and design the initial approach to implementing an Employee Wellbeing Program. The project included stakeholder interviews and focus groups, researching the market for outsourced providers, researching the approach of other emergency management organisations in Australia and New Zealand and conducting a stakeholder survey of over 3,000 staff.
Finance Department – Bryan prepared and conducted a desktop exercise of the Department of Finance’s business continuity plan which involved a 3-hour desktop scenario-based exercise for the Department’s key BCP teams.  The final deliverable was a BCP Exercise Report with observations on the quality and functionality of the Department’s BCP and recommendations for improvement.
Government Department Risk Management Protocol – Developed a Risk Management Protocol for project managers to follow when considering accepting consortiums during tenders. The protocol addressed the project risk analysis required as well as the assessment of the financial strength and management structure of the consortium.
Government Department – Facilitated a risk workshop for the Innovation Unit to assist the unit develop a strategic risk profile for their program.
Government Department – Conducted a strategic risk analysis of the software development of a Community Based Information System shared by a number of states. The assignment included review of the allocation of liability under the IT contract.
Government Funding Scheme – Conducted a review of the risk management processes and structures deployed to administer this $150M scheme. The project included a review of a risk model for predicting irregular or incorrect claims and their overall approach to auditing claims.
Government Department – Review of the risks associated with the Sale and Buy Back of Support Services.
Government Department – Assisted the Department’s risk management team to devise an Enterprise Risk Framework for the Department and to prepare its initial Enterprise Risk Management Plan. The department had over 3000 employees and the project involved a number of presentations to and meetings with senior management and governance committees and the facilitation of Division risk workshops across the Department.
Government Department – The department had identified a key risk to a major program was misalignment of the program with stakeholder objectives. Designed a realignment project that involved stakeholder analysis workshops and the development of a new tool for assessing decisions under the program that would help improve the accuracy and consistency of decisions in line with stakeholder expectations.
Local Government – Project Manager for Catastrophe Risk Assessment -Review of risk financing options for catastrophe protection for infrastructural assets.
Government Department – Review of the availability and quality of PL and PA insurance for landcare groups nationally. The project involved researching local and overseas insurance markets and the development of risk financing options that could be pursued or facilitated by government.
Government Department – Review of the quality and availability of Professional Indemnity insurance to an industry funded by this department. The review included recommending the level of PI insurance that should be required under funding agreements.
Government Department – Consultant to the Department to review and provide advice on guidelines for program managers when establishing suitable Professional Indemnity and Public Liability limits under funding agreements. The project included investigating the Department’s claims history and risk profile.
iCare Lifetime Care – Engaged to develop a safeguarding framework to help ensure the safety and well-being of those cared for under various NSW government schemes such as for motor accident injuries and work-related dust diseases. The project involved a significant stakeholder engagement piece and a framework design workshop involving more than 30 staff and stakeholders which Bryan facilitated.
Murray-Darling Basin Authority – Peer review of the risk assessment of the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan which was based on a Bayesian risk model developed for complex ecosystems.
National Gallery – Assisted with early risk assessment of a records and digitisation project for the gallery.
National Gallery – Delivered Creating Risk Champion’s program for key executives and managers.
NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet – Conducted a Strategy Implementation Workshop for a branch as they prepared to deploy over $1 billion of government funding. This included running several analysis tools to assist the team to identify implementation roadblocks and to further assess their current and mid-term capabilities to deliver.
NSW Police – Reviewed a proposed Search Warrant Risk Assessment Process to help ensure the process and documents were user-friendly.
NSW Police Force – Provided specialist advice to NSW Police Force in its review of its Search Warrant Risk Assessment process.  The engagement included consultation and workshops with a range of stakeholders from front line officers to the Commission Executive Team.
NSW WorkCover – The licensing function within WorkCover is complex with many different types of licences being delivered with a range of different processes and systems. The assignment required a swift familiarisation with the licensing framework and facilitation of a number of risk workshops to augment WorkCover resources to complete the risk assessment of WorkCover’s licensing activities in a timely manner.
New Zealand Local Government Infrastructure – Risk Management Advisors to the LAPP Fund. A mutual pool established by local government in New Zealand to fund catastrophe risk to essential infrastructure assets owned by Councils.
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District – Ran the Winning Conversations Program for 17 Workforce Services staff which involved 2 full days of training and post-program support.
Transport Accident Commission – Ran the one-day version of Winning Conversations Program for 55 staff.


Airport – Liability Risk Review – Review of liability risks including the management of liability risks through contracts with suppliers and with tenants through lease agreements.
Airport– Incident Management – Engaged to review options for the utilisation of IT solutions to aid in the management and reporting of incidents across the organisation. Subsequently engaged to design an incident management system for implementation in their enterprise asset management system.
Major Insurer – Review of construction risks associated with the development of the $600M New Southern Railway linking Sydney’s CBD with Sydney’s International Airport at Mascot. The project involved the analysis of risks associated with a driven tunnel underneath residential areas.
Pacific National Rail – Designed and conducted a one-day safety risk workshop regarding the use of new gantry cranes.
Rail – Review of re-railing strategies based on the acquisition of a state-of-the-art rail crane to replace most of the existing fleet. The assignment included the review of the risks associated with re-railing locomotives using various re-railing techniques, the costs of derailments and a cost/benefit analysis of using rail cranes over other re-railing techniques.
Rail – Analysis of the risks associated with having only one means of egress from island platforms on a city rail network.